Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: July 8 – 12, 2024

Hey there, everyone! Yes, as you may have noticed, this post is coming at you a little bit later than normal. Friday afternoon was a bit chaotic, and simply didn’t have time to put together my weekly post as normal. Sadly, I also didn’t get a chance to catch up on my certification training.

If you hadn’t heard, or don’t follow along with me and my exploits over on LinkedIn, I have recently begun watching some videos on LinkedIn Learning to try and obtain the AWS (Amazon Web Services) Certified Cloud Practitioner certification. Ever since attending the AWS Summit in Washington, D.C. a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been rather fascinated with AWS; what it is, and what it could possibly do to help out things at work, especially within the research areas. The course I’m following along with online is only four modules long, and I’m almost 3/4 of the way through. This particular course and certification is foundational knowledge, so it’s nothing very technical. It’s very high-level, and the instructor (host?) mentions that this particular certification could be obtained with little to no IT knowledge. It’s pretty much a stepping stone to open the doors to all things AWS. I’ve already learned quite a bit, and honestly, I had NO idea how many parts there were to AWS. Who knows where this will lead, but I’m rather excited to learn! Best part? Many of Amazon’s training is F-R-E-E.

Yep, that’s right. Even the in-person stuff. Also, from what I’ve heard, the certification exams aren’t terribly expensive. Sign me up!

That served as a decent lead-in into my weekly gratitude list. Let’s have a look at it, shall we?

Gratitude List - 7.12.2024

Physical therapy continues to be challenging, and in the case of Friday’s session, rather painful. I overdid things a bit the other day. When leaving work one evening, the elevator to the floor where I am was temporarily out of service (I work on the 6th floor), and so I had to take the stairs down to the ground floor. It was bad enough going down ALLLLLLLLL of those stairs, but being the good boy I am (LOL), I also tried to do some of my stretching exercises on the way down, since some of the exercises given to me by the therapist are on the stairs. To make a long story short (too late!), I was hurting a little bit after the trek down, all evening, and into the night. I was limping around a bit the next day, as well as the morning of my PT session. Hopefully I didn’t regress in some of the progress I’ve made thus far. 🤞🏼

Finally, here’s a look back at what I wore to work this week. I hope you enjoy them, and hope you have a wonderful and safe weekend. I’ll be holed up resting my ankle. ☺️

July 8


July 9


July 10


July 11


July 12



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