My Week of Gratitude: July 17 – 21, 2023

Happy Friday!

I actually look forward to typing up these posts each week, even though I confess that I STRUGGLE with finding something to be grateful for some days.

Take Monday, for example. It was a CRAZY day, and it felt really good to get away from my desk and simply take a walk like I normally do around lunchtime to get my dose of SecuriTea 😜. Merely getting out into the sunlight to feel its warmth helped to lift my spirits. Certainly nothing groundbreaking, but still something I was grateful for.

If you don’t already, I invite all of you to discover things to be grateful for each day. It doesn’t have to be something profound, thought-provoking, or life-changing. Even something small, such as, “I decided to bake cookies today because I love the smell of freshly-baked cookies”.

Here’s what I was grateful for this week:

Let me know what you’re grateful for!


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