Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: July 17 – 21, 2023

Happy Friday!! Between you and me, THANK GOODNESS!! It’s been a rather busy week for me, and the interview on Wednesday was quite draining, having met with and questioned by nearly 30 people over 4 hours. Even though it was a bit overwhelming, I really enjoyed meeting everyone, and I feel like things went well. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏼

Did anyone watch Project Runway last night? If so, what did you think of the challenge and the results? It was a quite interesting one for me, and I’m rather excited to write about it over the weekend. Keep an eye out for my recap early next week!

Here’s a look back at what I wore to work this week. This time around (and probably going forward), I’m simply going to feature one look from each day, rather than show every single photo. If you want to see more, you can visit my Flickr feed to see them, and a whole lot more!

Have a great weekend!

July 17


July 18


July 19


July 20


July 21



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