Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: September 6 – 8, 2023

Happy Friday! 😊

For those who may not follow me on other social media, I have been battling a bit of a nasty cold the last several days. So much so, that I left work early last Friday to be tested for Covid (thankfully it was negative), and spent the entire holiday weekend in bed, sleeping and being miserable. I even took this past Tuesday off because I needed more sleep to try and recover. It feels like I haven’t posted on social media and my blog for several weeks now, as I was quite sick last week, and out of town the week before. I am here, though! I may still have a head full of gook, and my voice is still slightly deep and scratchy, but I’m here! 😉

I need to stock up on more tissues here at work….

Now that you know my life story up to this point, here’s a look back at what I wore to work this very short week. I hope you enjoy it!

If anyone needs me, I”ll be pounding back NyQuil and sleeping some more over the weekend. 🙃

September 6


September 7


September 8



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