Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: October 2 – 6, 2023

*insert heavy sigh here*

Oh lordy, what a week. I’m SO glad the week is over. Not only was it a busy week at work, but either my allergies have been beating me down relentlessly this week, or that I’ve got some kind of sinus infection. Hoping to make an appointment soon to sort it out. Wish me luck!

One positive about it, I will say this: if you haven’t read my other blog post about taking things slow, being in the condition I’m currently in has really forced me to slow down quite a bit. I’ve been breathing slower (okay, so maybe that’s not a good thing LOL), typing slower, and especially walking slower. One morning earlier this week, I even took a moment to stop to watch a man throwing a frisbee and his dog chasing after it, to catch it in mid-air. I do wish I had felt better to appreciate it more, but I definitely made me smile.

Here’s a look back at what I wore to work this week. I’m so thankful for the cooler weather, but boy, I wish I felt better to appreciate it!

Have a great weekend!

October 2

October 3


October 4


October 5


October 6



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