Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: January 8 – 12, 2024

Happy Friday, everyone! 😊

Not sure why, but it feels like it’s been a LONG time since I’ve written one of these, even though it was just last week. Yep, I even checked. The passage of time sure is a bit of an odd duck, wouldn’t you agree? Sometimes it seems to just FLY by, and other times, it feels like it stands still. Not to mention, when one is off of work for a few weeks, it’s hard to keep track of what DAY it even is. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I know you all know what I mean, right? 😅

To start things off, here’s my weekly list of what I was grateful for this week.

It’s been a little rough finding things to be grateful for the latter part of the week, as the calf on my injured leg has been doing a bit of complaining.

Speaking of, that is a perfect segue into the look back at what I wore to work this week. You’ll notice that there isn’t anything for Tuesday of this week. I was off for my follow up doctor appointment about my ankle. If you haven’t seen it on my Instagram, I was given to okay to wean off of my boot, and wear it only as needed. Because of this, and if you’re super observant 😉, you’ll notice that I’m actually wearing TWO shoes the remainder of the week! I’m quite happy about it, even if I’m still walking/limping rather slowly around. I am NOT going to complain about it. SO, here’s what I wore this week.

Have a great, safe, and relaxing weekend!

January 8


January 10


January 11


January 12



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