Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: February 5 – 9, 2024

Ahhhhhhh, Friday….

Let’s just take a moment to relish in that fact, shall we?

*insert deep breathing and calming, spiritual music, maybe some bells or chimes too*

Okay! 😊

It’s been a bit of a busy week for me. I’ve been having lots of busy weeks since the start of the new year, but for a change, I’m not complaining about it. I’m actually doing things that I want to be doing, and being asked to do things knowing that I have the knowledge to do, or that my potential and skill is being recognized.


It’s funny how your demeanor, or energy changes when you have a purpose, and/or feel respected and valued. Even coworkers around have noticed it. I’ll take it! 😅

This is a rather nice segue into my gratitude list for this week. Here ya go!

Next, let’s look at what I wore to work this week!

February 5


February 6


February 7


February 8


February 9



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