Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: January 29 – February 2, 2024

I still haven’t become accustomed to typing out “2024”… 🙈

Happy Friday, everyone! How has your week been? For me, it hasn’t been too terribly bad. I did have a bit of an emotional roller coaster ride for a day or two, but I’m thankfully back on the upswing. 😊 No need to worry, it’s a pretty normal thing for me.


I guess that could be a decent lean-in into my gratitude list for the week. So, without further ado…

A lot of my gratitude list this week is more work-related than personal. I’m perfectly content with that. Things have become a lot better in the last few months at work, and a coworker was even commenting today on a noticeable shift in my energy. I’ll take the win. 😅

For those who may have been wondering (if any of you are out there, haha), I still have been using my reMarkable tablet, and still very much liking it. I was actually using it yesterday to brush up on my cursive writing, which has been pretty atrocious. I haven’t yet started using it for doodling, but I also have been using it for note-taking at work. I’d like to do some kind of blog post about it, but I haven’t yet worked out in my head as to what exactly that would look like.

Finally, let’s have a look back at what I wore to work this week. I hope you all enjoy it.

Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

January 29


January 30


January 31


February 1


February 2



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