SiS Bytes: Feb. 20, 2024

Yes, still playing around with a good title for these. This sounds better than ‘SiS Snippets’, but want to incorporate fashion/cybersecurity into it at the same time. If I can happen upon a word or phrase that works in BOTH arenas, I’ll have hit the jackpot.

Think, Pooh, think…

Wow, I thought I had a lot of meetings yesterday, but today … GEEZ.




Don’t get me wrong. I am DEFINITELY not complaining about it. All of the meetings today were cybersecurity focused, so I was more than happy to sit in on, and offer up some perspective and insight, even if it limited me in ways such as not really having much of a lunch (maybe this is how I will lose weight, LOL).

Meanwhile, the quest to find me a way to keep myself focused on a single thing at a time continues. I still am using the reMarkable tablet pretty regularly, and still liking it very much, but it hasn’t made much of a dent at all in keeping me focused. As I write this, I’ve already been distracted by other things at least 5 or 6 times now.

I also need to remind myself that these don’t need to be full-blown, drawn out posts or novels. It’s perfectly a-okay to write just a few sentences and be done with it (I say to myself as I CONTINUE TO WRITE).

Okay, I’m putting down the keyboard now.

I mean it.



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