SiS Bytes: Thursday, Feb. 29, 2024

Leap day.

This day always has me thinking about Frasier. Okay, A LOT of things has me thinking about Frasier, but this day in particular.

Authentic reaction from long-time followers seeing that I’m talking about Frasier. AGAIN.

I’ll spare everyone from going into detail about the particular episode, so count yourself lucky! 😜

Still haven’t really wrapped my brain around that it’s Thursday and not Tuesday, since I’ve only been at work two days this week. LOL

It’s been a pretty good day of meetings today. Ones where I have been able to make actual input and even have latitude to make decisions and help shape policy. It’s great to be noticed and valued, isn’t it? 🥹

Ankle update: I have an MRI scheduled for next Monday evening to see if it shows something that the x-rays aren’t. Trying to remain positive that there’s nothing wrong, but hey, I’m a pessimist. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I think that’s all for today. My brain seems to be relatively quiet, and not so jumpy. Peace out!



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