Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: March 1, 2024

Yay, Friday! Happy Friday, everyone! 🎉

It’s rather strange for me. Even though I only worked three days this week, I feel like it took forever for Friday to get here, and at the same time, it doesn’t really FEEL like Friday. Guess I’m in the Twilight Zone or some kind of alternate dimension…

Work has been pretty good, honestly. Strange to say, I know… Thankfully, things are mere inches away from our group being moved back under school leadership, and thus can begin the discussions to officially set my role and responsibilities within. I’ve been doing them increasingly already, but it will be great to make it official, along with setting up a title that matches, and (fingers crossed) a discussion of salary as well, but not holding my breath on that one. Okay, maybe a TEENY bit…

Anklegate news: it’s really giving me some grief today. So much so, in fact, that I’ve been limping around more than I have been. I’m eager for Monday evening to get here so I can get my MRI performed, but also nervous about what the results will show. Not to mention that the nurse practitioner I’ve been dealing with is out next week, so I’ll have to wait even longer to go over the results. Kinda sucks to be a pessimist sometimes… 😂

Brain scatter incoming:

Just noticed one of my coworkers completed a course on LinkedIn, so sent them a congrats. It’s great to see others wanting to better themselves and learn. Everyone wins. 😊

Also playing more with SharePoint today, putting up a new page on our team’s SP site. Almost ashamed to admit that I want to take some classes to better learn about all the tools that are available in Microsoft 365. With new responsibilities come new challenges and opportunities to learn, yes?

Now that I’ve hit the half-century mark, why haven’t I had some kind of wise-person epiphany yet? Aren’t I supposed to be some kind of wise, old sage to the youth population now? Maybe it happens at sixty…

End scatter…

Okay, moving right along to the sacred list of gratitude for this week. Ready?

I’m becoming a bit bored with how the gratitude list looks, so I might play around with the design and fonts a touch. I don’t know what it is about me, but I am perpetually NEVER satisfied with how my blog/social media/etc. look. I’m always tweaking and redoing things. Sometimes I think I need someone to slap my hand away and tell me, “no!” 😅

Finally, here’s a look at what I wore to work this week, all three days of it. 😅

Have a fantastic weekend!

February 28


February 29


March 1



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