Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: March 18 – 22, 2024

Hey all, it’s finally Friday. I’m ready for this week to be over, and I can stay home and try to just forget about the world for a couple of days. The beginning of the week started out just fine, but things went downhill yesterday and today. Time to put the week out of its/my misery. Who’s with me?

This post is going to be on the shorter side, mostly because I wrote up a whole other blog post this morning, and it’s silly to repeat it here. Hope you enjoy it.

Here’s what I was grateful for this week. I freely admit that I was grasping at straws yesterday and today.

You may also notice that I’ve done a little switching up of things, both here and on the blog in general. I’ve changed up some graphics, incorporating different cover images, and also am experimenting with going back to square photos for my outfits and such, as they seem to make things less complicated. My site and social media should always be considered “under construction”.

Here’s a look at what I wore to work this week. Have a great weekend!

March 18


March 19


March 20


March 21


March 22



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