Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: March 25 – 29, 2024

Happy Friday!!

I am BEYOND thrilled to announce that I am writing today’s blog post…


Yes, it arrived this afternoon, and I naturally dropped everything and rushed to pick it up. Oh, it’s sooooooo pretty, and I am absolutely smitten. 😍

You’ll notice that this didn’t make my gratitude list for this week, as it had not arrived at the time I put my list together. I honestly wasn’t expecting it until next week, when it was purported to arrive Monday-ish. DEFINITELY not complaining.

With that out of the way, here’s what I was grateful for this week:

My apologies to everyone for not having a daily post yesterday. As busy as I have been this week, yesterday was a metaphorical whirlwind of busyness. I was in a 2-hour meeting in the afternoon, that almost ran up to the time for me to leave, and I simply didn’t have the time to put one together. I’m just grateful that everything that’s been keeping me busy are things that I’m excited about, so I don’t mind one bit that my calendar is looking more and more like an executive’s calendar. 😂

Finally, let’s have a look at what I wore to work this week. You’ll notice that I have included an accessory in one day that I have never incorporated into any outfit photo I’ve done, in the more than TEN YEARS I’ve been doing these.


Anyway, I hope you all enjoy them. Have a wonderful weekend, and for those who celebrate it, a happy Easter to you! 🥚🐰

March 25


March 26


March 27


March 28


March 29



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