SiS Bytes: Monday, Mar. 18, 2024

I’m thinking that this is going to be a rather short post…




My body decided that it was time to wake up AT THREE IN THE BLOODY MORNING, and would only let me sleep in spurts until my alarm went off at 7:30. I guess it had decided that four and a half hours of sleep was plenty. I had started out the morning unusually peppy and full of energy, but now, I’m a grumpus. I’m not tired, but I am grumpy.

I had my follow up appointment this past Friday, and the nurse practitioner told me that she doesn’t believe that I will need to have surgery on my ankle, even though one of my ligaments is completely torn. She feels that as long as I continue to try and use it normally, and to do some balance/strengthening exercises, I should be fine. Being the overthinker/pessimist that I am, I wonder about things:

How long does it take to heal from a completely torn ligament? Months? Years? Until the end of time??

How will I know if it’s getting better, if it hasn’t really felt like it’s been getting better at all since I first injured it back in December?

She said that I shouldn’t need surgery, as opposed to that I don’t need surgery. Am I splitting hares hairs?

I need to go back to bed. Only 3 more hours to go until I can go home…




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