SiS Bytes: Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2024

This whole time change thing has me ALL messed up. I become sleepy too late, I wake up too early, and days are just running together like one giant blob. I have been operating under the assumption that today was Wednesday for some reason, and so my schedule was all off kilter. I rushed through a quick lunch to show up for an in-person meeting, to realize that IT WAS TOMORROW (actual Wednesday). Can I just go home and put the day behind me already?

See, this is yet another reason why we need time machines. I could just fast forward to tomorrow, or if I felt like torturing myself, I could rewind and start over.

Ankle-gate update: I’m still waiting to be contacted to schedule a follow-up visit to review the results of my MRI exam, so I’ve sent a message to the clinic to inquire about it. We’ll see what happens.

I’ve been playing around with SharePoint some more again today, as I was trying to help someone else try to figure out access permissions to various pages. Because I’m a newbie myself, I’ve been futzing around with my site to see how permissions work. I think I’m either starting to get a grip on how things work, or I have completely screwed things up to the point where I’m the only one who can see it anymore. I’d say the odds are just about 50/50. 🤣

Signing off…



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