SiS Bytes: Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2024

I slept MUCH better last night… With the exception of occasionally waking up a time or two (but falling back asleep soon thereafter), I pretty much slept from about 9:30 until 7:15 or so. It was so amazing! I tell ya, it feels pretty good to get a solid NINE AND A HALF HOURS of sleep. 😂

I’ve realized that lately I’ve been leaning a bit heavily on the style/fashion side of life, and not giving enough energy to the cybersecurity side of things as well. I’m starting to feel like I’m partially losing touch with that side, and if I’m trying to transition into a career in that field, I need to pay more attention. I kind of also feel like because of that, I’ve been losing touch with some of the connections I had made in that foray. I am NEVER giving up on my love of fashion, style, shoes, and ALL of the pretty things, mind you. I need to strike a better balance. But, where to start? 🤔

Today has been a relatively good day at work, definitely not complaining. Had to run a meeting solo in the absence of my boss earlier, so because I’m not very good at running meetings OR being the focus of attention, it was a very short meeting. I did manage to talk about everything he wanted me to touch on, so I’m counting it as a win.

While I am waiting for my shiny new MacBook Air to arrive (which is KILLING me, having to wait), I’ve gone and traded in my iPad Pro 12.9-inch and picked up a purple iPad mini.

I mean, look at it! 💜

OMG, this things is absolutely adorable. It’s perfect for editing my outfit pictures (until my MacBook arrives, anyway, but then I can use either one because it’s all synced to the cloud). I do need to start schlepping my Bluetooth keyboard and trackpad from home, though, so I can use it for my blog posting and such, again, in the interim. The on-screen keyboard simply takes up too much real estate on the screen. I really intended to use the iPad for drawing on Procreate, whenever the urge may strike me again, though it has been a while.




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