SiS Bytes: Monday, Apr. 15, 2024

Happy Monday, all! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind kind of day for me. I’m a little shocked that it’s already after 5pm, as I’m writing this. I am DEFINITELY NOT complaining about it.


Not one iota.

I’ll happily take days like that.

Not only that, it has been a pretty good day overall. People were cheerful, it was sunny and warm outside, I’m sure birds were chirping somewhere… 😂

If any of you are looking for something new to watch, then allow me to recommend the show “Fallout” on Amazon Prime. It’s good. Like REALLY good, and I’m only two episodes in.

Check it out here:

If you’re a fan of the video game series, I would highly recommend giving it a watch. If you’re not a fan of them (or never heard of them), I’d still recommend giving them a watch. You won’t get lost trying to understand what’s going on if you don’t follow the games. The series has received pretty high reviews so far. If you’ve watched “The Last of Us” on Max, it’s of that caliber of a show, that stands apart from the game it was based on. Fallout is definitely more violent, but it’s a bit humorous and light-hearted, and not as dark (well, at least two episodes in, anyway).

That’s all for now, bye!



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