SiS Bytes: Monday, Apr. 29, 2024

Happy Monday!

It’s been a bit of a weird kind of weekend/Monday for me. My foot/ankle was giving me some grief over the weekend, but went thrifting, and had a chance to pick up a bunch of stuff for the warmer months that fit my expansion. I also have a dentist appointment tomorrow to tend to a loose crown, but also to consult as to how much I’ll need to go into debt to fix everything that’s wrong (anyone out there with a few thousand just lying around with nothing to do? LOL).

Also, now that I have a book idea (so far I’m still feeling the topic), I need to figure out what the next steps are in the process. Since I’ve never done it before, I don’t even know what the process is. I’ll have to reach out to some authors for guidance on this. I’ll also need to pipe Taylor into my ear canals on a 24/7 basis to keep that inspiration/emotion going. 😂

To add to it, the impostor syndrome has been trying to creep back up. I see so many posts and such about cybersecurity-this and cybersecurity-that, and I haven’t really been contributing to it at all. I really need to address that, especially on my LinkedIn. I’ve been trying to follow more and more security-type people, and my security posts/skills are kinda lacking. 😅🙈

I have to be somewhat true to my moniker, after all …




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