SiS Bytes: Thursday, Apr. 11, 2024

Okay, I’m trying to focus on too many things at the same time once again, leading me to attempt to do one thing, then switching over to do something else, and then never coming back to finish the first thing. It’s a vicious cycle. This blog post was the thing that I was trying to start, but then got distracted by some work stuff, and wouldn’t you know, 30+ minutes later, I remember about the blog, and so here I am… 🤦🏻‍♂️🙈

I believe it was yesterday that I was saying that it was time for a work performance review self-evaluation, and how I was kind of dreading it, because “we are our own worst critics” and all… Well, apparently, I forgot all about that, because this morning, I suddenly started remembering ALL kinds of things I’d been doing and creating, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t rate myself the highest score because of it. I’m hoping that I did it well enough that the “supervisors” (yes, I use that term loosely) wouldn’t really be able to argue against not having the highest score. Take that, “the man”! 😝

Wow, there I go again with being distracted…


I don’t know which one I should blame in inability to focus on things today: the weather or old age…. It’s rather cloudy out and looks to start raining at any moment, so I’ll blame the weather today.

Yep, it’s the weather’s fault that I can’t keep focused. Curse you, weather! 🌥️

This whole book thing really, REALLY has my mind wandering. I cannot shake the thought of it, but yet, still haven’t any idea of what it would be about. At this point in time, all I know is that I REALLLLLLLLY feel like I want to do it.

I keep stopping in the middle of writing to walk over and look out the window, almost as if I’m hoping some kind of inspiration would just fly by… LOL .. It’s almost like a nervous tick, as I’ve done it three times now.

I’ll close this up now, and maybe I’ll step outside for a few moments while it’s not raining. Maybe that will help with whatever is going on. *shrug*

Catch you on the flippity-flip.



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