SiS Bytes: Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2024

It feels as if this year has been FLYING by, except when April happened. This month seems to be crawling. Any other time, it would probably be June or something…

While it’s popped into my head, I wish my adjustable height desk in my office was electrical. I feel like it’s getting harder and harder to raise it when I want to stand. Maybe I can hit up the director (my soon-to-be-boss, LOL) to hook me up. Never hurts to ask, right? 😁

I was finally able to get my order in for Jessica Barker’s new book for my Kindle yesterday. It’s titled, “Hacked: The Secrets Behind Cyber Attacks“. I’m VERY intrigued and excited to give this a read, and I freely admit that I’m not much of a reader.

Speaking of books, I’m still very much tossing around the notion of book/novel writing that someone left a comment about on LinkedIn. Like I said, it’s something that’s passed through my mind a few times over the years. However, a couple of things:

  • I have absolutely no idea what I would write about
  • No one has ever made that suggestion to me before, which intrigues me even more

One thing that I’m relatively sure about is that if I WERE to even write something, it would be fiction. I don’t believe I know enough about any particular subject to write something non-fiction (and yes, I am absolutely dissing myself, LOL).

Wait, fiction is the made-up stuff, yes? I always get those confused…

Maybe I should attempt one of those free-writing things on my reMarkable tablet to see what happens. Why are we our own worst critics?? I feel like I am not even remotely knowledgeable in any particular subject to be able to WRITE about it, fiction or not…

These are the times where I need someone around to smack some sense into me, and help keep me focused so I’ll stop being so self-doubting.

I know what I need: I need someone to just flat out tell me what I know a lot about, and pick out a topic on that, and give me all of the parameters that I’ll need, and then leave me to the writing. Yeah, that’s the ticket… 😅



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