SiS Bytes: Wednesday, Apr. 17, 2024

This is likely to be a rather short one, as it’s been a rather chaotic day trying to put out fires, stop other fires from even starting, and fielding manager/director type things, even though I’m not one (jury is still out on whether or not I want that kind of responsibility 😅).

Book-gate still weighs heavily on my mind, and last night, I was handed a rather large sign to look into it more…

Decided to watch the movie Argylle on Apple TV+ last night while having dinner. It’s rather new, and if you haven’t seen it before, it’s interesting. It reminded me very much of the Kingsman movie series, with the same kind of campy, over-the-top, incredibly stylized combat, while being serious and rather corny at the same time. I enjoyed it.

Get this: the main character of the movie is….



She’s written a series of spy novels, and was looking for some inspiration on how to end the fifth book of the series.

Well, if that wasn’t a slap in the face of what I should be trying to do, then I don’t know what is. I just need to get myself a cat, a backpack for said cat, and a train ride to who-knows-where, and then just sit back, and let the inspiration just flow like water.

If you saw the movie, you’d think that was funny. 😜

On a more serious side, I need to remind myself that I called these posts “SiS BYTES” for a reason. I intend these to be little snippets about my day, what I’m thinking, or any old random thing that may come to me. I should not feel obligated to write a lengthy blog post each day, nor should I feel guilty for not having done so. I also should remind myself that I should not feel obligated to POST something each day. If I don’t have anything in particular to say on a given day (witty, serious, or otherwise), I don’t have to post something for the sake of posting something.

Okay, let’s see how long that lasts in my brain. 😅 Until next time!



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