Happy Friday!! Time for the weekend! 😁
I was feeling a bit ranty this morning, so if you’ll indulge me for a moment…
It’s my blog, so I can rant if I want to… LOL
A couple of things struck my nerves this morning…
- Podcasts: I get that you need to have ads to pay the bills, but you’ve got to put a limit on them. An episode I listened this morning had FOUR MINUTES of ads, and that was before the actual podcast content even started! Then, there was an ad or two in the middle, and then again at the end. PBS doesn’t even have that many ads in their programs. I am happy to listen to ads when done in moderation, but when there’s a lot of them, then I’m skipping. If I’m spending more time skipping all of the ads than I am listening to the episode, I’m going to consider not subscribing/unsubscribing. Yes, you need to cover the costs associated, but you’re also not going to have listeners if all they hear are ads. You need to strike a balance.
- Jobs: This actually came from said podcast episode I was listening to 😂 .. I am sure this happens in other job markets as well, but I’ll focus on the cybersecurity market. I don’t fully believe that there is a “skills gap” between companies and hiring. Far too many businesses are looking to hire experienced people in entry level positions, and pay them entry level salaries. Firstly, if you’re looking for experienced people, then you’re not looking to fill entry level positions, are you? Pay them accordingly. Secondly, ENTRY LEVEL POSITIONS ARE JUST THAT: ENTRY. LEVEL. These should require little to no experience, and are there to get people in to learn and grow. Expecting these people to have certifications that cost X dollars and/or Y amount of years of time invested are NOT entry level. That’s just silly. Between the mass amounts of layoffs in the tech industry, and the all-too-often unrealistic expectations when hiring, can we really say that there is a ‘skills gap’? I’m thinking “no”… 🤔
Okay, now that I’ve got it all out of my system now…
Here’s my list of gratitude for this week.
Finally, here’s a look at what I wore to work this week. I hope you enjoy them.
Have a great weekend!
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