Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: April 22 – 26, 2024

Hey all, and happy Friday to each of you! 👋🏼

How was your week?

Mine was a little all over the place:

  • Allergies completely muderizing me
  • In-person meetings and new opportunities
  • Dental issues
  • Car issues
  • And so on…

HOWEVER, in spite (despite? Same diff?) of that, I am in a relatively positive mood today. Why is that you might ask?

No, it’s not because of Taylor’s new album, which I STILL haven’t quite finished yet. I’m getting there! 😅

Welllll, it kinda sorta is because of it, I guess…

Anyway, I have finally hit upon something to write about! Rather than repeat it, I will share a screenshot of it, and refer you to my post on Threads about it.

I’m both rather excited, and rather terrified about it. I think I’m more excited, though, even though I have NO idea about writing a book, what it entails, and what I need to do. In my mind, I’ve finally managed to get the hardest part out of the way: what I’m actually going to WRITE ABOUT. 😅

Moving on, here’s what I was grateful for this week. Friday’s gratitude should be quite obvious. 😂

Finally, here’s what I wore to work this week, with the exception of Tuesday, when I was working remotely. I hope you enjoy them, and have yourselves a wonderful weekend! 👋🏼

April 22


April 24


April 25


April 26



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