SiS Bytes: Friday-Eve, May 16, 2024

It’s Friday-eve! There’s no such thing as “Thursday”. 😁

Taking advantage of a slight lull in my schedule today to write up a blog post. Tomorrow is back to the busy grindstone, so I’ll take it when I can get it.

It’s been good to take a bit of a breath today. It’s actually given me a chance to think more about my book and writing. I already have a couple of ideas on what I want to write the beginning and ending parts about. Hey authors out there: any recommendations on what apps you use for writing? I’ll take all of the suggestions, especially if they are on the cheap/free. Starving artist here! 😂

I’m also still trying to figure out how to bring the book cover I have in my mind to life. I’m not terribly artistic in that sense, but at the same time, it needs to look EXACTLY how I envision it. Oh, maybe I could try to find and utilize some kind of AI app out there to help develop it for me. Anyone have any recommendations on that?

I just now stood up to stretch, and saw something work-related I need to do right now. Why can’t my creative side be as free-flowing as my ability to be sidetracked by things? It’s not fair, I tell ya.

Mind moving on to fashion stuff now…

I have a number of pants and jeans that I’d like to have altered to fit better. I know that places will do pants/trousers, but will places alter less expensive pairs? Also, do places alter jeans? It’s something that I’ve never thought about before, so would appreciate any help!

Mind changing channels again…

I need to start the habit of using the voice notes app on my iPhone whenever something strikes me, rather than hoping that I’ll remember it at a time when I can actually do something about it…




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