SiS Bytes: Monday, May 13, 2024

Happy Monday!

Hoo boy, what a busy day’s it’s been! It’s been a bit of a mad scramble of chaos ’round these parts to fix some things that have broken in the environment. I’m relieved to say that none of it was my fault. 😁

Book News

I never thought I would say this, but I am very grateful to have had a bout of insomnia last night.


Some inspiration struck. I’ve managed to… are you ready?


I’ve managed to break it out into three main sections, but not quite narrowed down into chapters, but I feel I’m close. What I am struggling with is whether to write it from my point of view (as it’s going to be about what I’ve gone through), or whether to create fictional character(s) to tell the story.

I’d share a screenshot of what I came up with, but I don’t want to reveal EVERYTHING before it’s even written, and I can’t figure out how to put some kind of gradient blur over it so that only part of the outline is readable. 🤷🏻‍♂️

One. Step. Closer.

It occurs to me that maybe I need to stop trying to construct some rigid, artificial timeline, and just let things progress naturally, and organically. It may mean that it takes weeks, months, or even years to accomplish this task, and I should learn to be okay with that, so long as I don’t let it die out completely.

Last night’s bout of insomnia was certainly a blessing in disguise, and I’m thrilled to be inching closer to making this dream a reality. I may have to do a “SiS WRITES” series of posts. 😂



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