SiS Bytes: Monday, May 6, 2024

It’s certainly been a Monday today, that’s for sure. On the bright side of it, the day did fly by, but on the not-so-bright side of it, it’s been rather chaotic. We have been working to identify an issue that has been affecting a small number of computers out there in our userbase. While I do think I have it narrowed down to two possible issues, more testing is needed.

It’s always great when apps/operating systems update themselves automatically.

*begin sarcasm*

It’s ESPECIALLY great when these updates happen around the same timeframe, and then cause issues, like what’s been going on today.

Why no, I had nothing else on my calendar/to-do list today, so I was MORE than happy to spend al of the time troubleshooting with the team to find out what’s going on.

*end sarcasm*

To add to that, the mouth has been relatively hurty today. Thankfully not in a throbbing, put-me-out-of-my-misery kind of way, but more of a sore-that-it’s-really-annoying-and-hurty kind of way. My ankle hasn’t been doing any better either, so I’ve been falling apart at both ends recently.

Oh, and it’s raining outside currently. Thankfully I have a spare umbrella here at work, but still. I’ve been a bit grumpy today.

I hope my mouth starts to be a little less hurty later, because I really want to start reading Jessica’s book that I mentioned in my last blog post. Sadly, the pain has just been too distracting, and I pretty much spent the weekend popping pills, watching tv, and napping. Honestly, that’s not MUCH different than any other weekend for me, except I’m not normally popping pills. 😅

Today also is the beginning of the RSA conference in San Francisco. It’s a rather large cybersecurity conference held every year in SF, with folks traveling from all over the world to attend. I’d love to be able to attend it one day.

Oh, and there’s an iPad Apple event tomorrow (5/7) that I’m curious to watch, and see what develops. I may even devote my blog post tomorrow to it!

No promises!



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