Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: May 20 – 24, 2024


Happy Friday! Ugh, why is it that I seem to have a hard time typing “Friday”? My fingers immediately type “Fridasy”, EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. 🙃

H a p p y F r i d a y.

Much better. Anyway….

For most of us in the states, this weekend is a 3-day weekend, in celebration of Memorial Day on Monday. It also marks the unofficial beginning of summer. While I don’t have anything planned, I will definitely use the time to take a breath from the chaotic few weeks I’ve had with work, and I also want to try and make a little more progress on the book front. I’ll freely admit that I haven’t done much in that regard, but I also promised myself that I wouldn’t try to force myself to do anything, and let it progress organically. It’s a new venture for me, and I feel like I need to let the moments come to me, and not try to create fake or forced ones.

Let’s have a look at my list of gratitude for this week, shall we?

My lists of gratitude have been pretty small things in recent memory, and you know what? That’s perfectly fine. I’ll keep reminding myself of that. Keeping finding some kind of joy in each day, no matter how big, or how small. 🙂

Finally, here’s what I wore to work this week. I hope you enjoy them. Have a fun and safe weekend, everyone, and to my friends in the states, have a great 3-day weekend!

May 20


May 21


May 22


May 23


May 24



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