Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude – May 28 – 31, 2024

Happy Friday! It’s finally almost at the end of a short week, which always seem to last longer than an ordinary work week, wouldn’t you agree? Next week will be a VERY short week for me, as I will be attending the RVASec security conference on Tuesday and Wednesday. I wasn’t able to attend last year, so I’m looking forward to getting back out there, as I had been attending it since 2021. I always enjoy learning from the speakers each year. I haven’t yet read through the entire schedule of sessions to pick the ones that I want to attend, so I should probably do that soon 😂. Even though I’m pretty trash at it, I also REALLY enjoy participating in the capture-the-flag (CTF) competition they have on the second day. It’s loads of fun, and I highly recommend participating in one.

Continuing on the tech stuff, I’m always late in hearing about when Verizon releases its annual Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR). It’s an annual report that Verizon releases that talks about “…the latest trends in real-world security incidents and breaches – to help protect your organization and help you evaluate potential updates to your security plan.” One of the great things about the report is that they tend to use everyday terms to help people understand, so even if you aren’t a security something-or-other, you should be able to follow along. I haven’t read it yet, and am looking forward to seeing what it has to say.

I also have an appointment scheduled for next week to revisit my ankle/torn ligament. It’s been almost six months 🤯 since I’ve fractured the ankle and torn the ligament, and it’s just not getting any better. The pessimist in me says that I’ll probably need to have some kind of surgery on it to repair things, if it’s repairable at all.

To book news, there hasn’t really been any movement on this front. I’m still trying to figure out how to put the cover idea that’s in my head down on “paper”. It’s where I wish I had the artistic skills to use something like Pages on my Mac, or Adobe Illustrator (if I had it) to bring it to life. Thankfully, it’s still very vivid in my mind. I’m still not going to impose any kind of deadlines on it, even though I’ve been seeing a lot of external hinting from the universe regarding books, authors, and the like. La la la la la la, nope, can’t hear you… 🙉

Here is my gratitude list for this week.

Finally, here’s a look back at what I wore to work this week, not including the Monday holiday. That was pajama day for me. 😂

I hope you enjoy them as always, and also hope that you have a safe and wonderful weekend!

May 28


May 29


May 30


May 31



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