Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: May 6 – 10, 2024

Hooray, it’s finally Friday! 🥳 Who’s ready for the weekend? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Well, I certainly am glad for it. It’s been another CRAZY week. My calendar for this week looked like I was playing Tetris, and losing badly. 😂 I am definitely NOT complaining about it, even though I wasn’t able to grab lunch until 3:30 in the afternoon yesterday. This is all a ‘good’ busy, and I am here for all of it. 😁

On the book front, I am going to try and spend some time putting my cover idea down on ‘paper’, so to speak. It’s still very vivid in my mind, and I just hope I can translate it onto my iPad. I feel like it’s relatively simple enough to do, but it still requires a bit of artistic skill to do, which is not one of my strong suits. I’ll try, though! I’m still looking to try and connect with some authors to help guide me as to what the whole process looks like. I know that there is likely no one-size-fits-all solution, but I’m sure that there are some commonalities in peoples’ processes.

Maybe it will also help push me to do some more digital artwork. It’s been a few months since I’ve felt the inspiration/desire to create something. If there’s enough/any interest, maybe I’ll post them on here in a section of its own. They are definitely not museum-worthy by any stretch of the imagination, but I really like how they turned out. I do have them scattered about my various social media, though. We shall see…

Reading through tech things today, there seems to be a lot of hullabaloo around the iPad Pro commercial that Apple has apologized for and cancelling from airing on TV. Perhaps it’s a lack-of-creativity thing, but I’ve watched it a few times, and I’m still not entirely certain what people are up in arms about. I’d love to hear others’ perspectives on it, because from my perspective, it simply appears to show the vast amount of things creative-types can perform with the new iPad Pro. I’ve never done it before, but let me see if I can link to the ad on YouTube:

I’m genuinely curious to know why there is so much backlash regarding it. Help me understand?

With all of that said, here’s what I was grateful for this week. I do recognize and admit that sometimes I really struggle with finding things to be grateful for. I think my issue stems from the fact that I’m trying much too hard trying to find something noble, profound, or thought-provoking to be grateful for, when I should set my sights much more realistically. It’s absolutely okay to be grateful for things like: a nice day to take a walk, the sunshine, a slight breeze, a good song. I need to remind myself of that more. Here’s my list for this week:

Lastly, and certainly not least, here’s a look back at what I wore to work this week. I hope you enjoy them. The warmer months is when I struggle most to find stylish things to wear, because it’s so hot and humid. I really wish I could wear shorts to work (yes, I say that every year), so I could have a little bit more variety and flexibility in my outfits. Alas.

Enjoy, and have a great weekend!

May 6


May 7


May 8


May 9


May 10



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