Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: July 22 -26, 2024

Hoo boy, what a week.




For those of you who may not know, a little bitty company known as CrowdStrike sent out an update to a small number of computers this past Thursday evening, which caused teeny-tiny, insignificant outage across the globe, rendering that small number of computers unable to start up, forcing IT folk like myself to travel on-foot to each computer to fix, one-by-one.

If it wasn’t apparent, the above paragraph is completely DRIPPING in sarcasm…

Thankfully, we had managed to get just about all of the more critical things back up and running by Tuesday, and things were pretty much business-as-usual Wednesday. Whewwwwwwwww…

I had been meaning to write up a “SiS Bytes” blog post this week, because I hadn’t done one in a hot minute, but alas, life found a way to get in the way of it all. With it being Friday, there wasn’t really a need to write up a separate post when I do this post on Fridays anyway, so why not combine the two?

Life Stuff

Wow, it’s been so long, I can’t even remember what I shared in my last “SiS Bytes” post… 🙃 .. Back in late June, I started doing physcial therapy for my ankle, as my healing had pretty much plateaued. I’ve been going twice a week for the last few weeks, and am now graduating up (down?) to once a week. I’ve noticed a definite improvement in the strength of my ankle and the flexibility, but alas, it’s not fully recovered. I think that because I have partially torn one ligament and completely torn another, that a full recovery simply won’t be possible without surgery. I fully acknowledge that I am not a doctor, and that is merely many years of pessimism speaking. 😂 I would love to be proven wrong.

Book Stuff

Yeah, this has kinda fallen by the wayside, largely thanks to life stuff. I still am determined both to actually do the thing, but also still determined not to pressure myself and impose any kind of deadlines on things. It’s simply to happen naturally and organically. Oddly enough, I was watching a couple of TV episodes last night, and both of them had mentioned writing a book in some form. One was an episode of M*A*S*H, where Radar was taking a correspondence course by mail to improve his vocabulary and become a better author when writing the daily reports for the Army. The other was Frasier, where his father befriends a recluse author who has written one best-selling novel in his lifetime, and carries a manuscript of his yet-unpublished second novel. Is this the universe trying to tell me to ‘do the damn thing’?

Tech Stuff

The SANS Security Awareness summit is NEXT week, and I am soooooo excited for it! Last year’s event in Las Vegas was amazing. I learned so much, and also networked with so many wonderful people. While I’m not directly working in the industry (I still hope to one day, or to incorporate it into my current role), the community at-large is overwhelimingly positive and welcoming, up to and including some of the biggest names in the field. I can’t wait to reconnect with all of them!

The AWS training is still ongoing. It was temporarily put on hold this week thanks to everything, but I’m hoping to get back to it early next week, and finish up the LinkedIn Learning course I’m nearly finished with. There’s a lot of stuff in the AWS pool that I’m rather interested in/fascinated with, so I’m ready to get to it!

Gratitude Stuff

Getting back to the normal flow of these posts, here’s a look at what I was grateful for this week.

Gratitude List - 7.26.2024

Outfit Recap Stuff

Finally, here’s a look back at what I wore to work this week. I did not have the time to take any pictures on Monday and Tuesday, however. I hope you enjoy these, and have a wonderful and safe weekend.

July 24


July 25


July 26



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