SiS Bytes: Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024

I know, I know. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done one of these. I hadn’t forgotten how to write or anything, but life has been life-ing, and also I just couldn’t come up with anything to write about.

So what made today different? 

SANS Security Awareness Summit.

This year’s summit marks the third year in a row I’ve been fortunate enough to attend: the first year was virtual. I was so capitvated and inspired by attending virtually that I vowed to attend in-person at least once. That was last August, which I am EXTREMELY fortunate and grateful to be able to have attended, thanks in no small part to many of the security awareness community themselves. This year, I was able to attend thanks to my current director, who encourages me to grow and learn new things. We’ll see how long I can keep the run going of attending in-person. Fingers crossed!

It’s only the end of the first day, but it’s been an absolute whirlwind. A whirlwind of knowledge, of inspiration, of camaraderie and connection, and a whirlwind of emotions. So much information being thrown at you throughout the day, and I have loved every single minute of it. 

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

It was also really great to reconnect with those whom I met the year before in between presentations. Even though I hadn’t seem them in a year, it felt like it was only yesterday. Then came to evening reception hosted by the conference, and various vendor receptions also. I met and connected with a slew of people over those few hours. I’m honestly surprised that my introverted self was able to be so outgoing and talkative with these total strangers. I was proud of myself. As time marched on, I started to become tired and drained from all of the day’s events. At one point before I left, the emotions kicked in, along with the usual bout of self-doubt. Impostor syndrome surfaced. At that point in time, I felt like all eyes were on me, staring at the person who doesn’t belong. I needed to get out of there. I quickly said my goodbyes to folks, and high-tailed it out of there.

Impostor syndrome is absolutely a real deal, and it can be crushing in the blink of an eye.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


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