Weekly Style Recap & Gratitude: September 2 – 6, 2024

Hey all! Yes, I know it’s Saturday. I hadn’t forgotten to write my weekly post, but Friday was rather busy for me. I’m not quite sure how, but the days I work remotely tend to be my busier ones. I actually was doing work past my normal work hours, by like a couple of hours or so. I’ve got to stop that sort of nonsense… 😂

Now that I’ve FINALLY rid myself of work thoughts, it’s time for me to spend the weekend focusing on something completely different.


Yes, it’s time to delve into the newly released Astro Bot (PS5) game. I was able to play for a couple of hours Friday night, and I am already hooked. For any Nintendo fans out there, this is VERY Super Mario Galaxy-esque. Almost immediately you’ll start to notice the similarities and the vibe. That is definitely NOT a bad thing at all. Super Mario Galaxy was an amazing game of its own, and this looks to be just as amazing. I can’t wait to dive in.

On a more personal note, I am still finding myself struggling with creativity, and the overwhelming lack of it, especially when it comes to writing more security-type posts for my blog, but also for the book I’m wanting to write. For the blog posts, I really, really need to somehow break free of the mindset that I need to write something that no one else has written before. This is a hard habit for me to break, and I think that it stems from a lack of confidence in what I have to say. Besides, someone more prominent has posted/written/spoken about it already, so what could I possibly add to it? What could I say that they haven’t already said, and probably said it better than I could?

I’m also going to be participating in an only weekly session for 4 weeks entitled, “Strengths and Saboteurs: Unlock New Levels of Productivity and Fulfillment”. The description says:

Join us for this 4-week course designed to help you uncover and harness your unique strengths, discover how to recognize and silence inner saboteurs that often hinder our progress, and navigate challenges with confidence and purpose. By shifting focus towards our natural strengths and honing our sage skills, we’ll unlock new levels of productivity and fulfillment in both personal and professional spaces. 

I’m hoping that this might help me out, especially with my biggest bugaboo, impostor syndrome.

Moving right along, here is my weekly gratitude list. Even though the week was only 4 days, it was still rather busy, but for a change, it was a good kind of busy. Adding to that, the weather was rather perfect: nice and sunny, and the heat and humidity took a break. Hopefully this means that autumn is starting to settle in.

Gratitude List – 9.6.2024

Gratitude List - 9.6.2024

Being that it was a holiday weekend, and that I worked remotely one day, my outfits for this week are rather sparse. I never thought I’d find myself saying it, but I have come to enjoy the remote days. I now have a more dedicated space to work from at home, and if I become tired of working at home, I can always pack up and head to one of many Starbucks satellite offices. One in particular is very close to home, and is rarely packed. Come to think of it, I don’t believe I have ever seen it packed. Hope I didn’t just jinx it! 🤞🏼

Without further ado, here is what I wore to work this week (all three days). I hope you like them. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some bots to rescue. They aren’t going to save themselves, y’know… 😁

September 3

  • IMG_3399
  • IMG_3397
  • IMG_3388
  • IMG_3376
  • IMG_3368
  • IMG_3353
  • IMG_3349
  • IMG_3330
  • IMG_3297
  • IMG_3294

September 4

  • IMG_3569
  • IMG_3576
  • IMG_3563
  • IMG_3558
  • IMG_3556
  • IMG_3545
  • IMG_3541
  • IMG_3532
  • IMG_3511
  • IMG_3492

September 5

  • IMG_3739
  • IMG_3742
  • IMG_3687
  • IMG_3679
  • IMG_3676
  • IMG_3672
  • IMG_3617
  • IMG_3608
  • IMG_3601
  • IMG_3587


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