Twenty Questions: Fashion/Style Edition – Anna Larson

Hey all! 😊

I hadn’t forgotten about this. Life just happens to get in the way sometimes (or A LOT of times 😂)…

For those who may not have known anything about this, back in early December (ish), I decided to resurrect an old series I ran on one of my blogs. I would ask twenty questions to a fellow fashion/style blogger in order to get to know them better. It was something I really enjoyed doing, and the other bloggers seemed to really enjoy it as well. This time around, I didn’t want to just limit myself to the fashion crowd, especially since I also have a passion in the cybersecurity realm as well.

Fast forward to today. I’m happy to re-introduce this series. I hope you enjoy it.

One blogger. Twenty questions. Let’s go.

Name: Anna Larson

Where can you be found on the internet:

  • Mostly Instagram @msannagrace 🙂
  • TikTok: @msannagrace28

Personal Style & Inspiration

1. How would you describe your personal style in three words?
Chic (I love cool French girl style!), effortless, versatile

2. What inspired you to dive into the world of fashion and style content creation?
I’ve always loved personal style and clothes. My dream was to be a fashion designer, and I wrote a weekly style column when I was a journalist over a decade ago. I missed that creativity so I set an intention for 2024 to start posting my own outfits on Instagram and sometimes TikTok with the hashtag #AnnaWoreWhat. 

3. Who or what has been your biggest influence in developing your personal style?
My personal style is always evolving. I feel like I’m constantly tweaking it because I’m inspired by travel, celebrities, my mood, and people I see. 

4. What’s the story behind the name or concept of your brand?
My Instagram handle comes from my first and middle name: Anna Grace. I started using that handle when I first got the platform way, way back, and it stuck. People call me “Ms. AnnaGrace” sometimes haha

5. How do you stay true to your style while experimenting with new trends?
I remind myself that not all trends are for me, and I think about the long-term potential verses the short-term. If it feels true to me or exciting/joy-giving, I’ll try it! The main thing for me is that I feel confident and comfortable in whatever I wear. Nothing ruins a look like feeling uncomfortable. 

Fashion Content Creation

6. What motivated you to start creating fashion content, and how did you take the first step?
I’ve always loved fashion and observing street style. Documenting my own style felt natural and creative so I challenged myself to do it starting last year in January.

7. Can you share how you balance building your brand with your other responsibilities?
I work in marketing and lead a social media a public relations team so my work aligns well with my love of style! The agency I work at enocurages us to be ourselves, and it’s the first place since being a journalist where I felt like who I am makes me valuable. I record my little style videos in my very average office to show that it’s normal to have a normal office and do these videos in 5 minutes. I learned to use CapCut and make quick edits in 2024 too so that I’d never spend more than 10 minutes creating a piece of content. It’s important to me that it fits in my life and makes me happy without adding stress or compromising my career. Making the videos or posts also helps me grow as a professional because I’ll test things on my personal accounts that I can apply to clients. 

8. Do you have a daytime job outside of fashion? If so, how does it influence your content?
Answered above. 🙂 

9. What has been the most rewarding part of being a fashion content creator?
I feel like calling myself a “fashion content creator” is a stretch. 😉 I love when someone comments or DMs me or sees me in person and tells me they love this or that, or it inspired them to try something. I think it’s important to see women over age 35 having fun with fashion and being confident in a world that favors super young women. I’m 39 and feel young and like my journey is just getting started! 

10. What’s a piece of advice you’d give to someone just starting their fashion journey?
It should be fun for you. It should feel like “you.” You don’t need to be like everyone else, and know that it takes time to build a personal style. 

Brand & Business

11. How did you come up with your brand identity, and what does it mean to you?

12. What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned in growing your personal brand?

13. How do you approach collaborations or partnerships to align them with your brand vision?

14. Are there any tools, apps, or resources you use to manage your brand and content creation?
I use CapCut and A Color Story apps most often for my content. 

Style Tips & Shopping

15. What’s a fashion tip you swear by for looking effortlessly stylish?
Have a “third element.” If you’re wearing a top and jeans, make your shoes the star or add a belt, unique accessory, etc. That third element elevates style. 

16. What’s a wardrobe essential you believe everyone should own?
A bit of advice I received from a long-time boutique owner when I had my style column was… it’s not a wardrobe essential if it doesn’t work for you and your lifestyle. We see these lists all the time of “10 things every woman should own” or “5 closet staples,” but they’re only essential if they work for you. For me, a pair of black jeans I feel really good in are essential, and killer shoes! I love shoes more than anything. 

17. Do you prefer investing in luxury pieces or finding great affordable options?
Both! I will invest in quality shoes, bags, etc. because I know they’ll stand the test of time. For trendy items, I go affordable. Target has really great stuff! 

18. Do you enjoy thrift shopping or sustainable fashion? What’s your most memorable find?
I love purchasing secondhand, whether it’s thrifting or on sites like Poshmark. I had a goal in 2024 to buy more secondhand. It’s been so fun to go on the “hunt.” We have a Clothes Mentor here that gets some insane finds. I recently got a silk House of Harlow navy blue blazer there that just looks POSH. I also found an adorable gently used Frankie Shop dress at another local shop.

Fun & Personal Touch

19. If you could swap closets with any celebrity or influencer, who would it be and why?
Alexa Chung! She’s just COOL. Eternal cool girl. 

20. What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day of creating or working?
I love to go on walks outside and listen to a book or podcast. It feels so relaxing to breathe in fresh air and move my body. I live in leggings and “cozies” most weekends, so I’ve been embracing that style too.


I forgot to add that I use a tripod or do mirror selfies for 90% of my content. It’s real and I think important to show you can share your style without needing a photographer or “perfect” background.

And there you have it! I hope you enjoyed it. If you know someone who should be featured, or if you would like to be featured, please feel free to reach out at:


4 responses to “Twenty Questions: Fashion/Style Edition – Anna Larson”

  1. Dalba Avatar

    This is so cool! I love this concept and it looks like you both had fun with it! Awesome post!

    1. Secure, In Style Avatar

      Thanks so much, Dalba!

  2. Anna Avatar

    Thank you, friend, this is so special to me! 🙂

    1. Secure, In Style Avatar

      This was absolutely my pleasure! I am so glad you participated, and that you like it so much. 😊

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