Twenty Questions: Cybersecurity/InfoSec Edition – Tricia Howard

Hey all!

Time for another edition of “twenty questions”, cybersecurity edition!

If you’re not familiar with how this works, I reach out to a blogger, content creator, business professional, etc. that reside within my realms of interest: fashion and style, and cybersecurity and InfoSec. I ask them twenty questions to get to know them, and their areas of interest better, and then I share what I learn with you. It’s a great way to network, and learn more about people.

Ready to dive in?

One professional, twenty questions. Let’s go!

NOTE: answers are in pink, both to match Tricia’s energy, and the color of choice in answering the questions. ‘Twas only fitting. 😊

Name: Tricia Howard

Where can we find you on the internet:

Personal Background

1. What inspired you to start a career in cybersecurity/infosec?

2. How did you first become interested in blogging about cybersecurity?

3. What’s the story behind the name of your blog?

4. What are your favorite topics to write about and why?

Career Insights

5. What has been the most challenging aspect of working in cybersecurity?

6. Can you share a memorable success story from your cybersecurity career?

7. What skills do you think are most underrated in the field of cybersecurity?

8. How do you stay updated with the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape?

Blogging Experience

9. What motivates you to keep blogging in such a competitive space?

10. How do you balance your professional work with blogging?

11. What’s the most surprising feedback you’ve received from your blog?

12. Have you ever faced criticism for your blog posts? How did you handle it?

Industry Perspective

13. What do you think is the biggest cybersecurity threat today?

14. Which cybersecurity trends or technologies are you most excited about?

15. If you could change one thing about how cybersecurity is approached globally, what would it be?

16. How do you think AI and automation will impact the cybersecurity industry in the next decade?

Personal Preferences and Advice

17. Who are your favorite cybersecurity experts or influencers?

18. What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone starting in cybersecurity?

19. Are there any books, courses, or resources you recommend for aspiring cybersecurity professionals?

20. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received in your cybersecurity journey?

And there you have it! I hope you enjoyed it. If you know someone who should be featured, or if you would like to be featured, please feel free to reach out at:


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