Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: January 2 – 6, 2023

Well hey there, everyone! Happy new year! 🎉🥂

Yep, I am back, as advertised. It was a nice three weeks off of work, but it didn’t quite seem that long. You know how that is, right? Of course you do. Boy, was this week a struggle, but we perservered! 😜

How was your holiday? I hope it was full of joy and laughter.

Here’s a look back at what I wore to work this week. You might notice that things look a little bit … different. Well, you would be absolutely correct in that. I had been looking at some reels and stories on Instagram that had tips on things to try. It’s amazing how changing an angle can make things dramatically different, right??

I hope you enjoy them. Have a great weekend!

January 2


January 3


January 4


January 5


January 6



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