Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: February 28 – March 3, 2023

Oh, thank goodness it’s Friday. It’s been a week. Things have been crazy, a little busy, and I’ve been doing a lot of struggling and raging over things.

If you follow me on social media anywhere (LinkedIn, Instagram, Mastodon, etc.), you’ve probably seen that I’ve been a bit out of sorts, to put it lightly.

Sometimes, it’s hard for me to share thoughts and/or feelings out of fear of sounding like a broken record, always saying the same thing (okay, it’s a LOT hard, haha). I won’t go into it here in great detail, but I’ve scattered bits and pieces of my thoughts and my emotions across social media.

‘Nuff said.

Anyway, here is a look back at what I wore to work this week, with the exception of Monday (which was my birthday ☺️). I have one more week of work left, and then I will be taking the following week off from work, on a family vacation, where it will be wonderful to not think about work for a whole week. I’m very excited for it.

Enjoy your weekend!

February 28


March 1


March 2


March 3



2 responses to “Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: February 28 – March 3, 2023”

  1. designedbydanita Avatar

    Love the sweaters you wear! March 1 is one of my favorite colors in the blue family! Almost periwinkle would you say?

    1. Secure, in Style Avatar

      Yes, it’s rather hard to pinpoint what one would call that color. It’s quite gorgeous, though!

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