Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: June 12 – 16, 2023

Happy Friday, everyone! 😊

The (STRESSFUL) work week has finally come to a close, and likely by the time you read this, I can safely say that


Yes, I am taking a break from work and social media for a little over a week, so I can get away, relax, recharge, and hopefully soak up some creativity and inspiration.

ALSO, if you weren’t aware, Project Runway has come back with a new season that started yesterday. ANNNNNND, it’s an all-stars season, featuring designers from ALL NINETEEN seasons! I am beyond thrilled for this, especially since my most favorite designer of all time is back, Mila Hermanovski. To make a long story short (too late! HAHA), Mila’s season (seven) was the first one I watched fully, and I fell IN LOVE with her and her aesthetic from the beginning. She is how I found and developed my love of fashion, and the rest is history.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll also (hopefully) be glad to know that I’m working to bring back my Project Runway recap posts each week. If you’re not familiar with it, I’ll be posting a recap of the top and bottom 3 looks each, giving my thoughts on each one. I’ll also not be alone, as I’ll also have a couple of fellow Project Runway fans also chiming in. Fun to be had by all! 😁

Okay, focus now…

Here’s a look back at what I wore to work this week. I hope you enjoy them. I’ll be back the last week of June, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Have a great weekend and following week!

June 12


June 13


June 14


June 15


June 16



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