Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: July 10 – 14, 2023

Happy Friday, everyone! 😁

Time for the weekend! I’m actually in a relatively good mood today. Project Runway last night was a pretty good one, and I’m looking forward to typing up my thoughts on it for next week. I am a little sad about no longer being able to get any good screen grabs of the outfits, though. Stupid copyrights… 😡

Even though it’s still several days away, I’m also still pretty anxious, nervous, and freaking out about next week’s in-person interview/lunch/grilling session for a new position that I’ve applied for. I’m trying not to dwell on it too much. TRYING anyway…

Anyway, here’s a look at what I wore to work this week. I still struggle with coming up with things I can do to look more polished and put together in the summer months, because it’s SO BLASTED HOT AND HUMID OUTSIDE. I soooooo wish I could wear shorts.

Enjoy the weekend!

July 10


July 11


July 12


July 13


July 14



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