My Week of Gratitude: September 11 – 15, 2023

Happy Friday, everyone!

Has it been only a week since I had last posted one of these? It really feels like it’s been longer than that…

*checks blog*

Yep, it’s only been a week, all right. I think this whole being sick thing is messing with my sense of time. Hours and days are seemingly almost irrelevant, and I can’t figure out what’s what. Hopefully it’s not a “getting old” thing… 🤞🏼

ANYWAY, here’s what I was grateful for this week. Yes, there are a few fairly small things on the list, but I’m grateful for them nonetheless. I really try to push myself to find a small detail to be grateful for when I can’t find something noteworthy. I feel it always helps to be appreciative of things, large or small. 😊

Have a great weekend!


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