Take it Slow

It’s weird when I will suddenly be hit with inspiration of something to write about. What makes it weird is that I am RARELY struck with inspiration, but when it does strike, it kind of sticks in my craw until I release it.

If you have followed me on LinkedIn for a while, you’ll probably know that for a spell, I managed to find something to write about, EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Yes, you read that right.

Nope, I don’t know how I did it either. 🤷🏻‍♂️

You know what, though? I kind of miss it. I miss being able to sit down at my desk at work in the afternoon, and just bang out something in as little as ten minutes or so. I would start typing, and out came the words and paragraphs.

I want to get back into doing that again, but I don’t know how. I mean, if I couldn’t figure out how I did it before, there’s no way for me to repeat the same process. I just need to “do the damn thing”.

Yes, that has been a kind of mantra for me since I read Amanda’s blog post, which I wrote about here.

But, how AM I going to just “do the damn thing” (it’s just so much fun to say! 😂)? I kind of just stumbled on it, completely by accident. And yes, this was a rather roundabout way to come to it…

Taking it slow.

Sometimes it’s really weird how my brain works. Allow me to explain:

Earlier in the week, I had numerous emails and other things that I needed to type up and get out to folks. One thing I am thankful for is taking a typing class back when I was in high school. As I was trying to quickly type things out to get them finished, I kept making mistake, after mistake, after mistake. Instead of getting angry at all of the mistakes I was making, do you know what I did?

That’s right: I started taking it SLOWWWWWWW. I slowed myself down, and tried to be more deliberate and meticulous in my typing. It certainly worked! I started making fewer mistakes, and was able to eventually bang out everything I needed to get done.

So, how does that make my brain weird? Well, I’m getting to that…

It got me to thinking, if I took the time to be slow in my typing to help me create fewer mistakes, what else could taking things slow help me to accomplish?

Maybe I could start forcing myself to actually leave my desk, take a slow walk around. I could be slower and more deliberate in my breathing as I take that walk. I could then use that slow walk to take in all of my surroundings, and maybe I will notice things that I didn’t notice before, or wouldn’t have noticed had I not slowed down. Perhaps this intentional slowness will help me open up my brain to be more easily inspired by something I see or hear. Maybe I’ll even get back to being able to find something to write about on a daily basis. Okay, okay, baby steps. But, it’s good to have goals, right?

What you also didn’t see is that I made nowhere near as many mistakes I normally would have typing this, thanks to my being slow. Or, I could totally have just made that up…

Yeah, brain, weird. See it now? 😅


One response to “Take it Slow”

  1. […] positive about it, I will say this: if you haven’t read my other blog post about taking things slow, being in the condition I’m currently in has really forced me to slow down quite a bit. I’ve […]

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