Weekly Style Recap: November 13 – 17, 2023

Happy Friday to one and all! 😊

It’s been a busy but good week for me this week, which is definitely a change from a busy but BAD week, right? 😅 Any fun and exciting plans for any of you? Nothing fun or exciting for me, as I’m a boring homebody who doesn’t go out. I’ll live vicariously through others. 😂

If you hadn’t read my gratitude list post, I am likely to combine both that post and this one starting next week, as I have trouble thinking up things to write about for two blog posts at one time. Hopefully the combining of the two will help relax my brain a bit and help me to think of content. Fingers crossed! 🤞🏼

Here’s a look at what I wore to work this week. I hope you enjoy them. Please feel free to follow me across social media if you aren’t already. You can find my links at the upper right of the site.

Have a great weekend!

November 13


November 14


November 15


November 16


November 17



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