Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: December 4 – 8, 2023

Hey, everyone! 👋🏼

Happy Friday to you all! It’s the end of the week, and time for the weekend. For me, it’s especially nice, because today, I begin my THREE WEEK staycation. Yes, I did say ‘three weeks’. I am officially off work until after the new year! 🎉

While I’ll not be posting any outfits or recap/gratitude blog posts, I will still be lurking around social media, and liking and commenting on things like I normally do. So, sorry to disappoint, but you all won’t be COMPLETELY rid of me. 😂

First, let’s have a look at my gratitude list for this week. You may find a slightly subtle, underlying theme this week, hahahaha.

I have to admit, my doing these gratitude lists each week are mostly enjoyable, even when those days when I STRUGGLE to find something to be grateful for. Struggle as I might, it forces me to TRY to find something, anything to be grateful for. Not every day is going to be filled with some kind of awe-inspiring, heaven-sent miracle, so I’m choosing to try and celebrate even the tiniest of victories. Overall, I’d say that most days, it really helps with my mood and outlook. Give it a try!

Moving along, it’s time to have a look back at what I wore to work this week. It’s a little sad to think that this is what I wore to work for the last week of the year. I should have mentioned in the past that each photo is a link that will take you to my Flickr feed, if you want to have a look at the other outfits throughout the years.

Okay, a TEENY TINY bit sad.

Okay, okay… but it DID make my nose sniffle a bit, so that counts! 😅

I hope you all enjoy! Please have a wonderful holiday season, stay safe, and I will be back next year with more outfits!

My condolences to my newest followers who maybe feel gypped by only seeing a handful of outfits, and then I’m almost ghosting them until next year.

December 4


December 5


December 6


December 7


December 8



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