SiS Snippets – Feb. 19, 2024

I’m still trying to work on a name for these things… 🤔

(SiS = Secure, in Style) .. Maybe I could call it “SiSnippets”?


Like I said before, I want to TRY and do these on a fairly regular basis. I’d love to do them on the daily, but I’m not sure how that’s going to work out realistically. It might, but I’m a pessimist, so I’m shooting for trying to do these as often as I’m able.


Today has been a BUSY day. Busy with what, you ask?


Lots and lots of meetings.

I’m starting to realize that the further and further up the “ladder” you travel, the more meetings you’re brought into, and the less ACTUAL work you do.

Ah, I see now! 💡

It really does take a different kind of thinking when you’re no longer “in the weeds” and looking at things at a higher level. I’m also starting to see why you can’t focus on things down at that level, because it takes effort and focus away from the other things you’re supposed to be looking at. Starting to have a new kind of appreciation and understanding of it all.

Another thing occurs to me today: as I start to move into and take on a kind of cybersecurity role in my current job (which I’m EXCITED about), I’ll need to start to shift my focus of blog and social media back towards being a little more about those aspects, rather than fashion/style stuff. My Tumblr ( is going to stay all fashion/style, all the time. That’s my creative outlet. My Instagram is also likely to stay as-is, as that is my daily personal style outlet. My Mastodon, Threads, and LinkedIn will probably be security-focused, but I still will probably post fashion-y stuff.

One of the people I follow on Threads just up and started up a fashion-related podcast (@stylecrusader), and I so admired that. I don’t have that kind of courage and guts to do that. I REALLY want to, but I’m not so fond of my voice, and I also don’t have the faintest idea of what I’d speak about. I consider myself passionate about security and fashion-y things, but don’t feel like I could speak authoritatively on either subject. Le sigh.

Okay, that’s all for now.



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