SiS Bytes – Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024

Received a few suggestions to tweak things, so trying to incorporate them. Like the day of the week. Pretty much a no-brainer. I mean, who remembers what day of the week such-and-such-day is? Am I right, or am I right?

Another suggestion: keep the GIFs. Yeah, I don’t see any problem with that one, whatsoever. 😂

Okay, back to reality…

Op, there goes gravity! 😂😂

Can you see my brain is misbehaving a bit today?

ANYWAY, I was doing some writing in my reMarkable tablet last night, and it occurred to me that in the past, I was NEVER able to do free-writing. You know, where you’re supposed to just sit and write for X minutes about whatever comes to mind? In the past, that was a sure-fire way to completely blank my mind out. Last night, however, I would be watching a show, and every so often, little things would just pop into my head, and I’d write them down, whether or not it made any sense. After a few minutes, I had almost filled up a page on the tablet. It had also initially got me thinking about whether there was some way I could publish what I was writing in the tablet directly here as a blog post. I haven’t had much luck figuring it out just yet.

BREAKING NEWS: looks like I just might be able to do it, but would just be an image, so we’ll see how that looks. This is a developing story…

Today was supposed to be a rather light day for me, but alas, it was. Still not complaining about it, as I’m being invited to sit/listen in on some meetings where topics are being discussed on a much higher level than what I’m used to. Today’s meeting was quite fascinating, and it was very interesting to learn what senior leadership and execs are thinking about. It’s given me a whole new perspective.




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