SiS Bytes – Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024

Happy Friday eve! Only one more day to go before I have a very nice four-day weekend. Got a birthday or something going on come Tuesday, so I’ve got to stretch out my time off to incorporate it. It’s like, the law or something. 😅

If you’re not taking off your birthday and spending the day for yourself, why not? Tsk tsk tsk.

I was listening to one of my regular cybersecurity-related podcasts this morning (Hacking Humans), and a story was brought up that came from FASHION site The Cut about how someone was scammed out of $50K. I would HIGHLY recommend you give it a read, as it talks about the various tactics and intimidation techniques the criminals resorted to in order to abscond with the money. You can read it here:

How I Fell for an Amazon Scam Call and Handed Over $50,000 (

While this is a horrific and completely reprehensible event that happened, I do like that this appeared on a non-technical, non-cybersecurity site. I strongly feel that stories like these should be shared with as many people as possible, especially those who aren’t working in the tech/security field. Many of the comments seem to try to blame the victim for falling for such a scam. I have and will always maintain that:


Yes, you read that right. All it takes is the right timing and the right technique, and anyone can fall for a scam. I will confess myself that I have fallen for one in the past as well. NO ONE is immune to them.

Okay, that’s all of the preaching for today. Got to get back to work, and also need to get my outfit pics ready for posting. Not necessarily in that order, though. Priorities, y’know. 😉



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