SiS Bytes: Monday, Mar. 4, 2024

Holy cow, it’s been a busy day today… It’s been going pretty much non-stop today, and it doesn’t even feel like that it’s .. 5:36pm as I write this. Where did the day go?

Scooby dooby doooooooooooo…

Actually, this whole week is rather crazy for me. It’s going to be meetings galore for me, as if Oprah Winfrey was handing out meetings to everyone.

You get a meeting!

You get a meeting!

Everyone gets a meeting!

Tonight’s the night for my MRI, in about 3 hours. I’m not terribly nervous about the appointment itself, but will try not to suffer as I wait for the results. My nurse practitioner is out this week, so I have to wait for their return before I’ll be able to find out what the MRI shows.

No bueno. 😒

I think that’s all for now. Got to get back and finish up my outfit pictures for today before I go home for the day. 😮‍💨



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