SiS Bytes: Tuesday, Mar. 5, 2024

Is it Tuesday? It’s Tuesday, right?

*runs to check with coworker down the hall* .. hey, what’s today? Tuesday, right? Okay!

Okay, yes, it is Tuesday. 🙃 Jeepers, it’s been another day full of meetings, where one moment it’s 9:30 in the morning, and the next, it’s 3:30 in the afternoon. I only vaguely remember having lunch almost three hours ago (holy cow, THREE HOURS???). Guess time sure does fly when one is doing important-type stuff, like having meetings. 🤣 I jest, the meetings truly are of important things, and I’m very happy to be a part of them, learning about new things, and also learning to see and think about such things at a higher level. At the same time, being highly sensitive and empathic, it’s VERY hard not to take things personally, especially when it’s criticism about something, even if it’s not directly specifically at me. That’s a constant struggle for me, but I think I may be becoming better at it. Go me! 🙌🏼

I’ve been eyeing the new M3 MacBook Airs that are coming out this week, and I have to say, I am VERRRRRRRRRRY intrigued by them. So much so, that I’m seriously considering selling off my 12.9-inch iPad Pro and picking up one of the 15-inch MacBook Airs. I almost never use something dependent upon touch on my iPad, with Procreate being just about the only exception. I think I’m going to trade in my iPad Pro for an iPad Mini. Okay, okay, I’m going to pull the trigger on the MacBook Air…

Anklegate update: had the MRI last night (boy, those things are LOUD). I’ll have to wait a few days to receive the results in my medical app, and then will have to wait until the nurse practitioner comes back next week to schedule a follow up appointment to go over the results. That’s just GREAT stuff for us pessimists/worry-warts. 😅

That’s all for now!



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