SiS Bytes: Wednesday, Mar. 6, 2024


Hey all! Happy hump day! 😊

I’m going through my outfit photos as I’m writing this (I am TERRIBLE at multitasking in my old age, *sigh*), and it seems that part of the bottom of my pullover sweater is folded up. I’ve gone through most of the photos, and it looks like it was that way THE WHOLE TIME. Since time travel hasn’t been invented yet….

Aside from the ‘wardrobe malfunction’ 😂, it’s been a pretty good day overall.

I really need to start writing things down that I want to blog about later in the day, as I end up forgetting all about what I wanted to say. Kind of, ‘blogging before I blog’, if you will.

Oh yeah, I remember now…

I went to place my order for the new MacBook Air like I was toying around with doing. I went to the university’s book store site, because they offer an employee purchase program to spread out the payments. Anyway, I went on the site, configured what I wanted, entered in my payment info for the down payment, and then submitted the order.

An hour or so later, I was charged THE FULL AMOUNT of the purchase. DEFINITELY no bueno. If I had the money to buy it outright, I would have. Silly sausages. SO, I immediately shot them an email to correct things. Turns out, their systems had been doing that today to a few orders, not just mine. They’ve since corrected things, but now I have to wait for the charge to drop (fingers crossed). It’s probably needless to say that I’m a tad miffed about it.

I’ll probably forget all about and be happy-go-lucky again once the pretty little thing is in my paws.😊

Now that I remembered what I wanted to say from earlier this morning, I’ve forgotten what else I wanted to say…

Back to editing my outfit pics!



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