Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap and Gratitude: March 4 – 7, 2024

Hey all! 👋🏼

No, I haven’t mixed up my days. Today is my Friday, as I am off tomorrow. This week is spring break for the university, and us lowly staff receive a whopping ONE day off out of said week. I guess I can’t complain TOO much, but I’m going to complain A LITTLE BIT! 🤣

Breaking ankle-gate news: I’ve received my MRI results a little while ago, and now I need to schedule a follow up appointment with the nurse practitioner. I have NO idea what it says, because I don’t speak Medical.

I DO recognize the phrase ‘complete tear’, however. I just don’t know where exactly, or how bad that means. It could mean immobilization, injections, surgery, or even amputation, I don’t know. Now I must sit and suffer and fret over it until the NP returns next week (?) to schedule a follow up with me. It’s been giving me a little extra grief today. Keep fingers crossed and send good vibes and stuff!

Further update to the new computer order process:

What. A. Mess.

Adding on to the woes I had yesterday, after the charge to my card had been voided and removed, the employee purchase calculator was mistakingly calculating the incorrect tax on my order, because part of the order was non-taxable. I contacted the folks to let them know that it was different than what my sales order receipt showed, and they were going to adjust it so that it was correct. About an hour later, guess what?

Go on, take a guess!



To make a long story short (too late! 🤣), the charge was reversed AGAIN, and the online order has been cancelled completely. Once the computer arrives, I will show up there physically to fill out the form and make my down payment. I don’t blame the people that work there at all, because they’ve been very apologetic and prompt to fix everything. The problem is that they’ve recently changed to a new point of sale system back in October, and they’re still learning the ins and outs of it. To add to it, there was a recent update that pretty much borked all parts of the site that I was trying to use: chiefly the employee purchase program part. I have basically been their unofficial bug tester.

Maybe I should get some kind of bug-finder fee…..

Moving on, let’s look at some things that I was GRATEFUL for this week…

Yep, I was actually grateful for being busy. As my role starts to evolve and grow, I’m very thankful for being included in more and more things.

Okay, now on to what I wore to work this week. Have a great weekend!

March 4


March 5


March 6


March 7



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