SiS Bytes: Monday, Mar. 11, 2024

Happy Monday. The first Monday after the start of daylight savings…

Or, is it the end of daylight savings? I can never keep that straight. Whichever one it is, it’s the one where folks lose an hour of sleep, and everyone is tired and cranky because they’ve lost an hour of sleep. Do I fall into that category?

You know who aren’t really affected by the time change? Pets. Well, in my case, dogs. Had I not had to wake up to my alarm this morning, they probably would have kept right on sleeping that extra hour and THEN wake up, wanting to eat and go out. That’s the stuff 😂 .. BUT, come autumn when we ‘fall back’, then it’s NO. BUENO.

The weekend was relatively quiet and low-key, but for some reason, I had a strong urge to write something on Friday (my day off). I had no idea WHAT to write about, but just to write. I’m sad to report that I was also very sleepy at the time, and so the natural urge to take a nap ended up winning out over writing. 😅 Maybe I’ll have another one of those in the near future, as it’s not very often at all when one of those urges arise (VERY rare, indeed).

I just realized today that one of my cherished cybersecurity certifications expired back on February 29th, and I’m a bit bummed about it. I can’t believe that it’s already been FOUR YEARS since I obtained it. What makes me extra sad about it is that the course that I took to obtain it is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY expensive.

Like, $7,350 expensive.

The certification institution is pretty much one that caters to large businesses to get them to purchase training vouchers.

Actual footage of an executive spending money on training vouchers.

I was fortunate enough to be at the right place and the right time to score one of them. I was attending a regular cybersecurity meeting of the university, and the CISO had mentioned that they had extra training vouchers, and would give them to the community on a first-come, first-served basis. Guess who was emailing the CISO during the meeting? Yep, this guy. 🤣

And now, four years later, it’s all gone. 😢

So yeah, I didn’t really have anything special and specific to talk about that’s going on right now. We’ll see what tomorrow brings…

Peace out!



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